$45 NEW!! The Civil War in Alleghany County, Virginia, Richard Armstrong, ($11.00 shipping)
$25 History of the Bol(l)ar Family of Bath County, Virginia - The First Three Generations, Howard Hammond
$15 1850 Census of Bath County
$20 1870 Census of Bath County
$25 26th Virginia Cavalry, Armstrong
$47 Alexander Hamilton 1725-1796, Hamilton
$ 5 Allegheny Highlands Va. Manuscripts: A Guide to Collections in the US, Bodie
$25 Annals of Bath County Virginia, Morton
$32 Bath County Births 1853-1870, Viellenave
$28 Bath County Births 1871-1895, Viellenave
$25 Bath County Deaths 1853-1867, Viellenave
$25 Bath County Deaths 1868-1895, Viellenave
$25 Bath County Marriage Bonds and Ministers Returns 1791-1853
$32 Bath County Marriages 1853-1899, Viellenave
$20 Bath County Personal Property Tax List Vol I 1791-1801, Jones
$15 Bath County Va. 1850 Census, Viellenave
$25 Bath County Will Books 5 & 6, 1843-1875, Cochran
$25 Bath County Wills and Inventories 1791-1842, Bruns
$19.95 The Battle of Lewisburg, Armstrong
$50 The Bicentennial History of Bath County, Va 1791-1991
$19.95 The Civil War in Bath County, Armstrong (new edition)
$25 The Corps Forward, The Battle of Newmarket, Couper
$40 Early Western Augusta Pioneers, Cleek
$ 6 First Resorts: An 1804 Visit to Virginia’s Springs
$25 Frankie’s Kitchen, Anderson & Buchanan
$29.95 God Alone Knows Which Was Right: The Blue & Gray Terrill Family…in the Civil War), Armstrong
$30 Healing Waters, Tranquil Valleys, McClung & Martin
$15 Henry Wise Hoover of Carloover, Lide
$28 Historically Speaking, Gwin
$25 Historic Springs of the Virginias, Cohen
$13 The Homestead
$25 Highland County in the Civil War, Armstrong
$20 Images of America: Bath County, Va., Oxendine
$ 2 Index to the Valley Road, Ingalls
$12 Little Doreen and Old Doreen (Doreen Ralston)
$13 Mission to Millboro
$25 The Mixing Bowl
$20 Parkway Byways, Hinkel
$20 Rockbridge County & Bath County, Families and History
$15 Roll of Casualties, Armstrong
$25 Snapshot Before the War, 1860 Census, Cochran
$30 Such Splendid Prisons: Diplomatic Detainment in America During WWII
$75 Sunsets Over the Gap: Stories about the Family of Charles and Jennie Hodge, Hicks
$25 They Also Served (Saltpeter Mining), Armstrong
$20 Touring the Shenandoah Valley Backroads, Sutcliffe
$18 The Tree Army, Cohen
$25 The Valley Road (used)
$ 2 The Valley Road (Index)
$25 View from Malvern Hall
$18 Voices from Rich Mountain, Cunningham
$20 Voices from the Hollow, Hirsh
$50 Williams Family History
$20 Woods and Others, Wood
Miscellaneous Items
$14 Bath 225 Ornament
$12 Bath County Historic Map (26” X 34”)
$ 4 Bath County Highway Map, 1993
$15 Bath County Historical Society Baseball Cap (dark green)
$20 Beyer, Edward Prints, 1857 (12” X 16”)
$12 Christmas Ornaments